“2011年秋季學期模塊化專家項目”特聘美國雪城大學Mark Bomberg教授於2011年秋季為建築相關專業開設課程,該項目是《OETY欧亿“985三期”模塊化專家引智計劃》的一部分,致力於引進海外高層次人才和加強國際交流學習。同時Mark Bomberg教授亦為 “長江流域住宅室內熱濕環境低能耗控製技術研究與示範”項目特聘指導專家🈁🚴🏿♂️。
Mark Bomberg教授是美國雪城大學機械工程學院建築環境與能源實驗室教授,主要研究方向為👋:建築圍護結構熱濕耦合傳遞🍖,新型建築材料開發🌷,建築節能等相關熱點課題🪥,並在建築物理👮🏽♀️、建築構造技術🕴🏻、農業建築微環境和建築防潮等方面做過大量的研究,並取得了大量重要成果🕰,同時為Journal of Building Physics(SCI檢索)主編。
周一上午8:30-11:30 機械工程學院A101報告廳;
周二下午1:30-6:30 嘉定校區C209
聯系人↘️:於水 (13585865719)
Course description
Course name: Sustainable Engineering of Building Enclosure
This course is suitable for the senior undergraduate of architecture, civil, environmental and mechanical engineering as well as well as graduate study. It provides students with basic understanding of heat, air and moisture transfer in the building materials. It develops understanding of the hygrothermal effects on building enclosure through linking elements of material science with structural and mechanical considerations. On this basis we deal with interior and exterior thermal upgrade system.
The course includes 9 hours of basic introduction and 39 hours of lectures plus 16 hours of seminars. It mainly contains 5 sections: transfer of energy and mass, materials, assembly, durability and sustainability integration.
Time and lecture room:
8:30~11:30 Monday, lecture hall A101 College of Mechanical Engineering
13:30~18:30 Tuesday, C209
Contact: Shui YU
Cellphone: 13585865719
E-mail: yushui19832002@gmail.com