

Lindau Nobel Laureates Meeting 2012: nomination procedure

來源: 日期:2011-10-17作者: 瀏覽量:

Schedule for Nominations of Siemens to
62nd Lindau Nobel Laureates Meeting, July 1st – 6th, 2012
(dedicated to Physics)

Siemens candidates will be nominated to the Lindau Council via Corporate Technology (responsible: CT O UNI, Dr. Natascha Eckert).
Please do not nominate directly to Lindau. Out of all Siemens proposals 11 candidates will be nominated to Lindau.


31 October 2011     Siemens internal deadline for nominations to CT O UNI (katharina.frantz@siemens.com)
15 November 2011 Deadline for nominations to Lindau 
                                    (to be entered in the Lindau database only by Katharina Frantz)
15 December 2011 Deadline for candidates to enter their additional data into the database
December 2011/      Evaluation by the Review Panel Lindau
January 2012
February 2012          Communication of results to the candidates

Important information for the nomination procedure

Experience shows that the following points should be carefully observed in order to avoid difficulties and delays in the nomination procedure:

• For each nominee, please provide the following information to katharina.frantz@siemens.com
1. Name, email-address, university/ research institute
2. A recommendation letter in English (please consider that a missing letter of recommendation minimizes the chances for the nominee to get accepted!)
• Candidates who have already participated in a Lindau meeting are not eligible for a second time.
• Travel bookings should not be done before candidates are accepted by the Review Panel (February 2012).
• The Lindau Council as well as Siemens set a high value on gender balance of the candidates.

Selection criteria 2012
=> see attached pdf-file!

In general the Lindau meetings are addressed at young people who are in an early phase of their career but who have already demonstrated to be outstanding and have the capacity of becoming leading researchers.

If you have any questions regarding the nomination process for Siemens candidates or if you need support, please do not hesitate to contact:

Katharina Frantz
Chief Technology Office
University and Research Cooperation
Phone: +49 89 636-46659
(available on Mondays and Tuesdays)

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