


來源: 日期:2015-04-22作者: 瀏覽量:


費用:2680€ per person. This includes accommodation, breakfast, lunch, two group
dinners, in-city transports in Brussels, courses, teaching materials, visits, and trips to Amsterdam and Paris.
This fee does not include return flight tickets, insurance, train tickets between the airport and the hostel, passport and visa costs, dinners.
報名✝️:You can register by sending an email to  the VUB International Office international.relations@vub.ac.be, copy to zhangxiangrong@tongji.edu.cn(欧亿外辦張老師,65989031,65982950)。
This email should include:
• your motivation letter (1 page, in English)
• the application form
截止:Application forms must be sent to the VUB International Office before the 15th  of May 2015. (原擬5月1日,現延長至5月15日)
繳費🗂🤞🏽:The payment should be based on the invoice each student receives by email from the VUB financial department. The payment of the registration fee is required to be transferred to the VUB account, maximum 10 days after receiving the invoice.
聯系:Vrije Universiteit Brussel
International Relations & Mobility Office
Postal address: Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels
Visiting address: Pleinlaan 5, 1050 Brussels
[T] +32 (0)2 614 81 01
[E] international.relations@vub.ac.be

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