


來源: 日期:2016-02-25作者: 瀏覽量:

Ernst Mach Grant - Eurasia-Pacific Uninet
Country of origin:
China; Mongolia
Target country:
Area of study or research:
Natural Sciences
Technical Sciences
Human Medicine, Health Sciences
Agricultural Sciences
Social Sciences
Type of grant:
grants, research promotion
Detailed type of grant:
semester and/or one-year grants, research grants
Target group:
PhD holders, post docs
Funding organisation:
OeAD-GmbH/ICM on behalf of and financed by the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW), organized in cooperation with Eurasia-Pacific Uninet
1 to 9 months
The quota depends on the budget.
Grant benefit paid:

Supplementary grant, own funds are required

1) Monthly grant rate 
a) for postgraduates: 940 EUR 
b) for post docs: 1,040 EUR 
2) Accident and health insurance, accommodation 
a) If necessary, the OeAD-GmbH will take out an accident and health insurance on behalf of the grant recipient. 
b) The OeAD-GmbH will endeavor to provide accommodation (student hall of residence or flat) for recipients of grants who wish to get accommodation arranged by the OeAD. 
Monthly costs: 220 to 470 EUR (depending on how much comfort the grant recipients want). An administration fee of 18 EUR per month is payable to the OeAD-GmbH for arranging accommodation. 
The costs for insurance and accommodation have to be paid out of the grant by the grant recipients. 
3) Recipients of grants are exempted from paying tuition fees. 
4) Recipients of grants will receive an additional travel costs 
    subsidy of max. 730 EUR.

Closing date for applications:
01. 04. 2016
for the academic year 2016/17
Apply direct
Application form:
Paper applications cannot be accepted!
Advice on how to apply:

Eligible for application are 
a) postgraduates pursuing a doctoral/PhD program at one of EPU’s member institutions in China or Mongolia; 
b) post docs pursuing academic work at one of EPU’s member institutions in China or Mongolia;


[applicants under a) have to prove that they pursue doctoral/PhD studies, applicants under b) have to prove that they are employed by the partner institution; the grants should serve the promotion of young academic talents, therefore, post docs should not have graduated longer than five years ago; applicants must not have studied/pursued research or academic work in Austria in the last six months before taking up the grant; information about member institutions is available here:

1) partners in China and Mongolia:


2) partners in Austria:




Maximum age: no age limit 



Language proficiency: depending on their study/research project,  applicants have to prove good knowledge of English and/or German in their special fields (interview) 



The grants will only be awarded for projects that can be completed within the approved period (max. 9 months). 



The following documents have to be uploaded during the online application atwww.scholarships.at: 

  • Two letters of recommendation by lecturers of the home university (EPU member institution in China or Mongolia). The recommendation letters do not require a specific form, but must bear the letterhead, date and signature of the person recommending the applicant as well as the stamp of the university/department and must not be older than six months at the time of application.

  • Consent of a lecturer at the Austrian host institution (EPU member institution) to academically supervise the applicant.

  • scanned copy of your passport (page with name and photo)

  • scanned copy of your university graduation certificates (Master, PhD or doctoral studies) in German or English (appropriate confirmation from the home university (Foreign Office) in English)

  • written consent from the home university (Foreign Office) to the application (in English) 

  • complete description of the research project (2-4 pages)


General Information: 


  • Applicants who seek admission to a university in Austria have to contact the institution of their choice directly.

  • Applicants who come to Austria to conduct scientific research only and, therefore, do not need to seek admission, have to prove sufficient proficiency in the working language of their project.

  • The written consent of the Austrian supervisor is mandatory.

  • Short-term grants (1 to 3 months) are to be consumed primarily in the period from January to June. In other cases problems may arise as regards accommodation. Therefore, when applying for a short-term grant, consideration should be given to applying primarily for the period of January to June.

  • The selection process for all grants for Austria is competitive, i.e. there is no legal claim to a grant even if all application requirements are fulfilled.   

  • Grants are only awarded for study/research purposes at Austrian member institutions of Eurasia Pacific-Uninet.

  • Applicants should take into consideration § 1 of the Data Protection Act, Federal Law Gazette of the Republic of Austria No. 165/1999, as amended, that the personal details contained in the application will be passed on to the authority dealing with their application, the contractual partners, the Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs and in the exchange as well as to other authorities awarding grants in Austria and will expressly agree with that.


Reporting commitment: 
Every scholarship holder is obliged to prove that the scholarship was used in an appropriate manner by submitting a final report to the relevant OeAD Regional Office at the end of the scholarship stay and agrees to its publication in the Eurasia-Pacific Uninet Annual Report.

Selection procedure:

Incomplete applications and applications not complying with the application criteria will not be accepted for the further selection process.



The selection follows a multistage process: 



1) Examination as to formal requirements 
2) Assessment of the application’s plausibility 
3) Interview by a board of examiners of the EPU or assessment and evaluation of the application by experts
4) Final decision by the BMWFW 



The board of examiners of the EPU assesses the applications according to the following criteria: 


  • What are the relevance and the value of your scientific project and the scientific cooperation for the Eurasia-Pacific Uninet?

  • Why would you like to study/conduct research in Austria?

  • What exactly would you like to do during your study/research period in Austria?

  • How do you plan to carry out your project, which scientific methods do you want to use?

  • What is the aim of your study/research in Austria?

  • What steps do you plan to achieve your study/research objective (attendance of lectures, archive work, interviews, etc.)?

  • Have you done any preliminary work towards achieving your study/research objective so far? If yes, what?

  • Where do you want to carry out your studies/research (libraries, archives, institutes, etc.)?

  • Prior study process (duration and grades), list of publications or documentation of your previous artistic activities. 


Further information:

Grant contract: 
The recipients of grants will get the grant contract (Letter of Award and Letter of Acceptance) from the OeAD-GmbH/ICM. The contract covers the following aspects: Start and end dates of the grant; monthly grant rate; grant payment modalities (including a possible travel cost subsidy); compulsory presence at the place of study; performance record; data protection; repayment requirements. 
For further details, please see: 



Legal basis:
Federal Ministries Act 1986 (Federal Law Gazette No. 76/1986), date of the version: March 1st, 2014 
Federal Finance Act 2015 
Individual funding according to Sect. 1 para. 2 Z.1 ARR 2004 (Federal Law Gazette II No. 51/2004) 
Decree GZ BMWFW-41.906/3-WF/II/7/2014 



Contact at the OeAD-GmbH: 
Dipl.-Übers. Konstanze Pirker (email:Konstanze.Pirker[at]oead.at)

Last update:
12.02.2016 - Dipl.-Übers. Konstanze Pirker
© OeAD-GmbH
This database has been financed by funds of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW) and the EU. Despite the fact that all entries have been carefully checked we cannot accept any liability for the correctness, completeness and topicality of the entries.

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