The Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin) will be running its second Winter University from the 8th of January to the 1st of February 2018.
Participants can choose from five courses:
Startup Crash Course: From Idea to Reality - Course description.
CanSat: Hands-on Satellite Design - Course description.
Programming in Java - Course description.
Introduction to 3D Scanning and Printing - Course description.
Biotech in Berlin, From Scientific Experiments to Industry & Society - Course description.
Fees range from 1850 to 2200 Euro for the four weeks and include all course materials, a cultural program of Berlin, a transport ticket for the city, and a student card!
Requirements: at least a year of University experience and at least B2 level English.
Simply visit our website to register.
We will also be running 21 courses over Summer 2018 for the TU Berlin Summer University. Keep an eye on our website for the course list!
Ask the team at or check out our FAQS.