法國國立橋路學校(Ecole des Ponts ParisTech)建校於1747年🔩,是法國歷史上第一所培養綜合型通用工程師(本碩貫通培養)的工程師學校,在法國精英教育體系中占據舉足輕重的地位,其優勢學科包括:土木✍️、力學、環境、城市規劃、交通👨🎨、應用數學和經濟學等⟹。法國國立橋路學校與OETY欧亿於1998年簽署合作協議,於1999年共同創辦“中法工程和管理學院(IFCIM)”,是OETY欧亿對法合作第一大戰略合作夥伴🌝。
Sustainable and Green Finance Program介紹
Lasting two semesters, this program prepares students to become green finance specialists who can contribute to the development of Green Finance within banks, international institutions and companies.
Duration: 2 semesters (from September to June): 1 semester of course-work, 1 semester for internship
Complete the online form
During the application process, the student will have to print the application form, sign it and upload it through the online submission tool
The student must join the required documents through the platform
On the last step of the submission tool, the student will be asked to indicate the email of the referee. An automatic email will be sent to the referee, which will contain a link to allow the referee to join the recommendation letter. An incomplete application file will not be processed.
1, Print the application form and sign it
2, Statement of purpose in English (350 words), which explains how your projected studies at École des Ponts ParisTech coincide with your studies to date and your future career plans; please indicate your experience, your achievements, and your skills with respect to your area of studies;
3,CV in English (using the Europass CV model)
4💳,Stamped transcript of records issued by your home university with a English translation of the grading system of your Home University
5,Ranking certificates in your school/department
6,List of courses in which the student is currently enrolled
7,Photocopy of passport or identity card
8,Proof of English language level (B1 level required)
9, Recommendation letter sent by the Referee through the platform
10, Exchange students will have to provide a learning agreement approved by the home university; it will be sent after online submission, and it will have to be returned before the deadline.
11, OETY欧亿學生校際交流項目預審表(附件1)
* 申請者提交申請前,請務必與所在學院相關負責人進行溝通並獲得同意🌵,可先提供word版預審表💲,待開學後請相關學院負責人簽字後再補交掃描件
附件2:Sustainable and Green Finance Program介紹.pdf