邢唷> 796欹[ 餜)bjbj8螑螑 <<!!!!!5558m5  $B-!!!X777!!77770髄8幰5'7s0 777!7<77 < : Join the Idea Competition: Sino Finnish 100 Challenge Sino Finnish 100 Challenge is the main event of the Finland 100 anniversary program in China. We are currently accepting submissions to our營dea Competition爑ntil May 31st. This year we are also organising a Summer Camp as well as a Challenge Incubation process for promising teams and ideas at the end of this year, where brightest minds work together through A New Way of Doing: creating and designing services, finding new solutions and in building friendship and wisdom together through an idea competition.WHAT IS THE SF100 IDEA COMPETITION? This competition is looking for solutions that solve pressing problems of our time. Develop a solution idea that identifies a difficult and pressing issue of our time in one of our three competition themes and use both Finnish and Chinese perspectives, know-how and resources to solve it.TIMELINE Idea competition opens on February 14th 2017. Deadline for submissions is May 31st 2017. Selection of finalists will take place by June 21st 2017. Selections will be made the jury. A 2-day Boot Camp in the end of June to intensively develop ideas further.Final pitches and presentations to the jury after the end of the Boot Camp, after which the Jury will start deciding on the winner(s). Winners of the Idea Competition announced in August. The finalists will receive the option of participating in Summer Innovation Camp in Finland from 18 July until 15 August (more information to follow).WHAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR 1. Relevance of the problem Here we are looking for teams that tackle the greatest challenges of the next century. Please consider both the global reach of the problem your aim to solve as well as its relevance for mankind in general.2. Impact of the solution What we want to see is a practical and impactful solution to the problem. Please be as specific as you can about who will be impacted and how, and why you think your solution will bring the desired result.3. Sino Finnish connection and potential As we are a Sino Finnish Challenge, we are especially looking for teams that can combine both Chinese, Finnish and potentially global know-how and resources to bring about their solution. We also encourage you to consider forming multinational teams, as most relevant problems are probably of that nature as well.WHO CAN PARTICIPATE Sino Finnish 100 Idea Competition is open for everyone. You may not participate alone, but you must put together a team of at least 3 people or organisations to participate, preferably with Sino-Finnish connections. Maximum size of the team is up to you.( ( At least one of the participants of the team has to be from Finland or China. Other members of the team can be from anywhere and can also be universities, foundations, public organisations or companies. We strongly recommend forming a multidisciplinary team, as many of the biggest challenges of the future require expertise from several fields.For submitting your idea and more information, please kindlycheck the official website: https://sinofinnishchallenge.org/ 69 ; _ ` @ A   F G /1EF柙腦沫腦沫腦栐腦柲閱閱閱詵閱閱閱閱閱閱閱閱閱詟*h=B*CJKHOJQJ^JaJo(phuuu-h=5丅*CJKHOJQJ\乛JaJphuuu-h=5丅*CJKHOJQJ\乛JaJph3fh=CJ KHOJQJ^JaJ 'h=B*CJKHOJQJ^JaJphuuu-h=h=B*CJKHOJQJ^JaJphuuu278: ; ` A  G 01F $1$7$8$H$a$gd= !#$&'()gd荂Y $1$7$8$H$a$gd= !"$%()胴刑刑刑刑h罬jh罬U$h=hCJ KHOJQJ^JaJ 'h=B*CJKHOJQJ^JaJphuuu 61惂2P:pC'q皘. 叭A!"#悹$悹%癝班 惄j 666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ OJPJQJ_HmH nHsH tHJ`J 譎^ck噀 $1$a$ CJKH_HaJmH nHsH tH$A $ 貫祂=刉[SOBiB 0nf恏贗3縗`?/[G歿\!-跼k.搒曰..椃碼嬋?PK!ブх6 _rels/.rels剰蟡0 囷吔冄}Q頤%v/C/(h"脎O 劋秣=畫旂 毆免C?薶醰=偵叅%[xp啠{鄣_糚眩<10堎O糝瓸d焉襃E4b$q_槥6L籲R7`畯ㄉ趁0虨O,錏n7擫i鋌〃/鉙綈╡械根鑄PK!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xml 蘉 @醹愘7c(Eb菜CA菭覠圩邈7蕪諞K Y, 奺.埛饇,ㄚH,l崆駢x紗逫萻Q}#諓叚遞 值+!,較$j=婫W櫨)釫+& 8PK!y.G^8theme/theme/theme1.xml靁[o5~G?X筠&沴$甓蕁v[h覨賛Q37烋撒&7詩悙鮼"剱xJ夠kzA 3熾瑂+*h蟱幭艞9}鯢灤6掤訬垽!廻:lWzK f<%峘Ldp鎏踥澠+*& A 熓bゲ暀0'yFRx7" 舙&x&lfnvvq&4 PP{y0!AO~妁譿3咑6)R%魼菵W&谷縷鱋飣c嘌VM冧X稑@蹣5+;=rC坅┼E#5撂櫽3x%bj賷\屈錼笯5g脋9i璖_>礦7Ζq韛徽畷 !8km╆瑆杍虰gdN雗.討]|E鼣退蚮sa9放*5 >卂歖9x纏)|焦趈-:x纏)|繚騜菖P蘦5呏韙r%d蕾y/| 郖9|倐l(LO1喋'|潒`4朼ESて捁 +W撟N 殫 蚑#x7肞}/蜓豇婷7z|脛銢?ZE幵y玆/君鋸夥_|踱鰃~棘鉄摞梟療鷣PAs瀩~穱鳠甍w=餟侞Ux&Ddm3枔8欴/拼*睔%N睘牛凱b}i鱘毮e皙]w 釔bをx;瀅肝9kr醗醾灚Bso龘婹穳穸oN濜禛tO闟賷塩茅翪咊;綞垏痥:籍覲p ](墿棐;4:O埶豨 嫩醘*jr騸z峫籋 <器sh<嘒 '>=湴*眾}Fv"赗A剄詭垟>櫵刈8q態-熚嫎*r峯礲渄>l棪q麕軅舎+|澔!83躓)q聖p7窧噹I裲F藄;&φ@_wzuB育w};w7詞g_荃佚憾霼 罻3鐆5杲p慧s媼埦輞 徱 1紻絠蝟歴馃o蝱陣穹銲Lv痬v奚~e茖\攆-a鶋:0‥唾摂g,啛簶a7厝 琳{T泡g皁Z蒔妾e\聭 {uk<忑=p.瑁坢玼糴y=\8J5篇9蚹嚌l|{暽j訕C蟅3捐蘓含)6牸t K6a_僠7,/麻_O 蘃1*耣鲃(髭:銏96k&vE M莩9r46K謤磧0i眞掍B羷d躚M,K袾#X^榌P埑F0.麹2氃;A虇pk*a出繸4E:駒贌U5縛兀`2蝿TkX6嗘U*栮櫖齭 u漧傾螉%H Z2怭U僝衍僨驊"G;ㄏFbC鴣S鞳D%\X槀p力6逇w氷禆臨q灘巛R_g幡煍6槯妝鄾譾爿裖\甌峪鎶^幗`>釒W`+p](媔棒涋棿葒沠罌 埴[sV)k8狹:D偮rA%搣(K廢蓃E&*媸虤'蹌鮰\=8@1ず&y0篙>=J締淣V.澏閸-fpj譤B鏾ib購OV?+o膵5碴垀1%諎猵垮鍇猈40 pek抒箙8堚辭0X頶2BX1i邉迠 勫AV熜] 2H7H;h揑棗;蚙盭驠禍w仝裁檸坉棝(w:彄鞙a噆;'僉% C冣(bc緒U縃頏u茭彉鼺%3x2u恗揮}嶓烲譮>胔$K7諺Fq(櫚%d?[d冎b:袹羪積rk恬Z援枼癤諒Zv)l| Y薷躕鴝蒢痷qL瀕疨v泯攜O>嚗 +P霴Y7漻饝S`8zuM愧c3蕒鞕?PK! 褠煻'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.rels剰M 0匃倃oo雍&輬協勪5 6?$Q祉 ,.嘺緳i粭澤c21h:闀q毩m胳嶡RN壻;d癭値o7g慘(M&$R(.1榬'J摐袏T鶂8V"&A然蠬鱱}狇|$絙{朠除8塯/]As賲(⑵銻#洩L蔥漢倪PK-!倞[Content_Types].xmlPK-!ブх6 +_rels/.relsPK-!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!y.G^8theme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! 褠煻'= theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK]8 )  ) ) 餯0# 咥臕@餒 0(  饞0(  養 S  ?_GoBack* 7*  *  *  &?荂Y譎^C'q稫u罬覼=  @營( ) `@``(@UnknownG*郃x Times New Roman5Symbol3. *郈x Ariala踶PHelvetica NeueMalgun Gothic7@Cambria;(媅SOSimSunA$BCambria Math 1h5翿5翿M M !?!%),.:;>?]}    & 0 2 3 : !6"000 0 0 0000006:>兀﨑 =@\]^$([{  0 0 000000Y;[個  :HX $P=2!xx Zhou Della貧顂鄥燆鵒h珣+'遲0  px   Zhou Della Normal.dotm高珮2Microsoft Office Word@@緇X8幰@緇X8幰M 脹諟.摋+,0 X`lt|     !"#$%'()*+,-/0123458Root Entry Fp! m8幰:Data 1TableWordDocument8SummaryInformation(&DocumentSummaryInformation8.CompObju  F#Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 文檔 MSWordDocWord.Document.89瞦